Hello! I'm Breno
I'm a Computer Science student at the Federal University of Technology – Paraná.
Currently, I'm learning JavaScript and Ruby languages on my own, and I'm already familiar with C/C++, Python, and Java.
My hobbies are related to Coding, Games, Music, Math, and Problem-Solving.
🔠I just launched my first website: AboutMe!
🌱 I'm currently learning a wide range of subjects.
👯 I'm an intern full-stack developer at Dataway Tecnologia da Informação.
🥅 2023 Goals: Learn at least 2 languages, such as Java and JavaScript, and get used to learning with books in English.

Breno Farias da Silva
Software Developer
Currently pursuing my Master's degree at UTFPR in Campo Mourão.
Here you will find a more complete description about me.
Campo Mourão, Paraná - Brazil.
Date of Birth:
April 17th, 2001
2023 - 2023
Full Stack Internship
During my position as a Full-Stack Developer Intern at Dataway, I delved into the exciting realm of data-driven technologies and analytics workflows. A core aspect of my role involved orchestrating intricate Jupyter notebooks into efficient data pipelines using Dagster. Working alongside a dynamic and passionate team, we successfully streamlined processes and unlocked valuable insights with agility. Leveraging my expertise in Python and translating Jupyter Notebook to Dagster Pipelines, in which has various libraries like pandas, matplotlib, numpy, scikit-learn, sqlalchemy, and psycopg, I developed robust data pipelines that optimized data engineering and visualization.
2021 - 2024
​Bachelor's in Computer Science
During my time at UTFPR, I had the opportunity to work on several challenging projects that honed my programming skills and expanded my knowledge of various technologies. One of the remarkable projects I contributed to was UTFome, developed during the Applications Programming Subject in 2022. In this project, I played a vital role in the backend development using Node.js, alongside technologies such as Prisma, Express.js, and JWT for enhanced security and efficient data management. Additionally, I was part of the development team for BusTracker, a project undertaken in the Software Engineering Subject. My focus was on the backend, where I leveraged TypeScript and PostgreSQL to build a robust and reliable system. Furthermore, I am currently involved in an exciting ongoing scientific research endeavor. Here, I am actively working on Python codes that utilize various tools, such as CK (Code Metrics), PyDriller, and Repository Miner, along with libraries like Pandas and Matplotlib, to conduct in-depth code analyses and gain valuable insights.
Apart from project development, I also engaged in teaching roles at UTFPR, contributing to the academic community in a different capacity. In the first half of 2022, I had the privilege of teaching courses on Algorithms, Algorithms and Data Structures 1, and Algorithms and Data Structures 2. It was a gratifying experience to impart knowledge and facilitate learning in these fundamental subjects. Later in the same year, during the second semester of 2022, I had the opportunity to teach Computer Architecture and Elements of Digital Logic. Sharing my expertise with students and witnessing their growth and understanding in these areas brought me immense satisfaction, and I look forward to continuing my contributions in both project development and academia in the future.
2021 - 2024
Computer Science Projects
2014 - 2017
Field Trips
Field Trips
In Portugal, my school held field trips every year. I traveled to the United Kingdom and Spain. There always had activities to be done related to subjects learned in class that we saw while on the trip.
Studying the fundamentals of Computer Science in order to become an expert in software engineering. While I'm graduating, I will study subjects from basic algorithms to highly efficient algorithms. The course isn't focused on just doing things, but the way everything works, such as computer architecture, design patterns, algorithm analysis, distributed systems, automated tests and advanced topics in Computer Science.
2015 - 2017
High School
Science and Technology Course
While I was living in Portugal, in high school, I had the opportunity to select a course, on which I’d study subjects related to that path. In that period, my course of choice was Science & Technology (ST), where I got to learn advanced physics, math, chemistry and biology. I was involved in several projects, like programming, math tournaments, entrepreneurship and creating basic circuits. I didn’t finish high school in Portugal, as I had to go back to Brazil, where I studied in a private school, with the benefit of having the highest scholarship offered by the institution.
2014 - 2017
Wall Street English
English Course
In Portugal I had the incredible opportunity to learn english and use it daily. In the beginning I hadn't shown much interest. Nevertheless, my daily habit of listening to music, watching movies and TV Shows made me evolve really quickly and never get the feeling of learning something I’d never use. The course filled all the pillars of mastering english, from grammar, talking, listening and so on. After 3 years, I got my degree of advanced english.
Elementary School
Elementary School
When I was in elementary school, i got into many projects, most of them being math tournaments and sports.

Programming Languages:
C Programing - Advanced
Java - Intermediate
Python - Intermediate/Advanced
Portuguese - Mother Tongue
Elixir - Basic
JavaScrip - Basic
Ruby - Basic
English - Advanced
Spoken Languages:
Brazilian Portuguese - Mother Tongue
European Portuguese - Advanced
English - Advanced
Spanish - Basic